A monthly delve into the collections of the History of Medicine Library and the heritage of the RACP.
"If you are anything like your old man, you'll do me":
Thomas Fiaschi, physician and surgeon
Edward Ford:
Vale Richard Smallwood:
President of the RACP,
Artificial pneumothorax :
a milestone in the treatment of tuberculosis
Tracing the roots :
a chronology of 19th century colonial medical journals in Australasia
147 Macquarie St :
a history of the 'other' College building
Treasures of the collection :
A pioneer's microscope
Heritage update :
successful 'Open Sydney' and 'Friends' launch
Low-dose insulin infusion in diabetic ketoacidosis:
the legacy over the past 50 years
Open Sydney:
visit your College
From Proceedings to IMJ:
a history of the College journals - part 1
New Exhibition:
Bookplates - a celebration
Appreciating our heritage:
your Fellows Room
The 'changing face' of the College
Why does the College have a History of Medicine Library?
Anzac memories:
Cotter Harvey at war
An ideal medical man:
William Wilson Ingram
Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales:
A front row view of the natural history of the Eora nation in 1788
Leslie Cowlishaw
First librarian of the College
Macquarie Street mystery
Who were the mysterious buyers of 145 Macquarie Street in 1929?
The Library needs 'friends'
Milestones of caring
The History Project of the Australian New Zealand Society for Geriatric Medicine
Vaccination rewind
Why was there a Sydney reprint of Jenner's 'Inquiry'?
Artworks invigorate College
Sidney Nolan and Lloyd Rees paintings on show at College
Frederic Wood Jones
anatomist, naturalist, peripatetic
Dorothy Roseby
First secretary of the RACP
"...Life is not quite so easy at present...”
Hans Bandler's escape from Nazi Austria
"...a coffin was absolutely necessary"
Quarantine in the early days of the Victorian colony
On the Origin of the Species
Darwin's seminal work is one of the most important books ever published
The Association of Physicians of Australasia
Precursor organisation to the RACP
to the Blog of the History of Medicine Library